Friday, June 7, 2024

Safety Sells! June Shooting Industry Explores Eye/Ear Pro & Home Safety Options

In recognition of National Safety Month, the June issue of Shooting Industry examines key areas where dealers can offer safety and peace of mind to customers, including providing eye/ear protection for range pursuits.

Electronic hearing protection and cutting-edge ballistic-rated eyewear are within reach of most buyers these days — further enhancing the experience either out on the range or in the field. In “Latest Innovations In Eye And Ear Protection For The Range,” Bethany Beathard explores how technology advancements have revolutionized options for range patrons.

When it comes to safety in the home, Carolee Anita Boyles asserts customers can take two perspectives — ensuring their firearms are stored securely and prepping for unexpected disasters. She contends, “Whichever way your customers define home safety, stocking the products they’re asking for can help them feel secure and increase your bottom line.”

Additional feature content in the June issue aims to prepare dealers for the upcoming fall whitetail hunting season. Nancy Keaton previews what products are especially beneficial to these hunters, and how some dealers are planning to market them. And with mounting anti-2A legislation amid a contentious election year, Ava Flanell asks the firearms community at large: “If we don’t speak out, who will?

Two iconic brands with decades of shared history are now under one umbrella: Hodgdon Powder Company announced its acquisition of RCBS in May. SI Editor Jade Moldae shares its expected impact on the handloading segment in his Industry Link column.

In the Personal Defense Market column, Massad Ayoob reveals “hidden gems,” unnoticed features and capabilities of lifesaving emergency rescue equipment, and how explaining them to guests can close a sale — and save lives. Tim Barker provides examples of how expertise can give stores an edge over the competition and value to interactions with customers in the Best Practices installment. Susan Romanov’s Family Fun Indoor Range is a safe haven for women, men and families learning to shoot, as Ashley McGee illustrates in Arms & The Woman.

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